Doyle Security Blog

Six Tips for Tackling Spring Cleaning

Written by Joe Schwartz | March 29, 2022

The snow thawing and flowers beginning to bloom serve as good reminders to participate in an annual tradition, spring cleaning. While routine household upkeep is important, spring cleaning allows us to tackle some of the larger maintenance projects to freshen up our homes and prepare us for the spring and summer ahead. It can feel like a daunting task, but with proper planning it can also be a very rewarding and gratifying one. Here are six tips to help you prepare for spring cleaning.

1) Create a Plan of Attack. Before you get started, sit down and write out a list of all of the objectives you wish to complete during your cleaning process. A checklist with each project and a list of supplies needed for each bullet can make the process seem more manageable. Go room-by-room throughout your home to assess what needs to be done in each and assign a timeframe and supply list for each room. This is also a good time to contact any third-party individuals that may be needed for the job, whether it be friends, family or a professional. If you don't think you are capable of completing a certain task safely or correctly yourself, there are plenty of local professionals who can help!

2) When it Comes to Cleaning Supplies, Less is More. It may be easy to get overwhelmed in the cleaning supplies aisle, thinking you need a different spray for each surface in your home. However, many all-purpose cleaners and micro-fiber clothes can handle a wide variety of tasks and reduce the clutter in your supply closet. When possible, consider eco-friendly cleaners to keep your cleaning spree green.

3) Work From the Top Down. Safely start your cleaning in each room with a step ladder and clean high surfaces first. This allows any debris, dust and dirt to settle on lower surfaces, which you will get to later. Get those ceiling fans and light fixtures squeaky clean before bringing out the mops and brooms.

4) Windows and Walls Need Love Too. Floors, counters and shelves typically receive the most attention when it comes to routine, week-to-week cleaning, but your annual spring cleaning is a good time to sanitize as many surfaces in your house as possible. Whether it's a simple dusting or a thorough all-purpose cleaner scrubbing, now it a great time to give your vertical surfaces the attention they deserve. Don't forget to clean off the screens in your windows as well, as they collect dust and allergens throughout the year and can harm the air quality in your home.

5) Time to Replace Stuff! There are many things throughout your home that need to be swapped out several times throughout the year and now is a perfect time to address those. Anything from batteries in your smoke alarms to filters in your AC units and furnace, go room-by-room and take care of these while you're on your cleaning kick. It's also good practice to keep a note of the dates you replaced each item so you can stay on top of your changing schedule.

6) Don't Forget the Outside. As a final touch, do a lap around your home and take care of any outdoor maintenance that may have been neglected during the winter. Clean your grill, pressure wash your driveway, clean the outside of your windows, etc. These last details will be the cherry on top of your successful spring cleaning extravaganza. 

There are many ways to approach spring cleaning, but these six tips are a great start for your plan. A clean home will make you feel accomplished and more comfortable, plus you'll have less to worry about when your schedule starts to fill up in the summer. Now let's get cleaning!