Doyle Security Blog

Giving Back in the Communities We Live in

Written by Susan Clark | May 3, 2016

Doyle Security has always encouraged employee participation in the community service arena. In fact, it is one of the company’s six core values. We donate money, time, expertise and labor to many charitable causes.

When I reached a stage in my life where more free time was available, I decided I wanted to get personally involved and make some sort of a difference instead of just writing a check. I googled volunteer opportunities in the Rochester, NY area and came across the Compeer Organization.

They provide mentors to individuals suffering from mental illness.  Services for this population are overburdened and its members are often stigmatized by the general public due to the diagnosis of this type of disease.

At my request, I was matched with a woman close to my own age with a similar educational background. They also have adult to youth matches and even a veteran-to-veteran program. My friend and I  get together for a few hours a month and go window shopping, walking along the canal, visiting museums or just chatting over coffee - things I would do with any of my other friends. It makes a difference in her quality of life and improves mine as well. Definitely a “win-win”.

One of our favorite activities so far was a visit to the George Eastman Museum. They offer free admission to Compeer matches. Although my friend was born and raised in the Rochester area, she had never been there. The docent who gave us the house tour was very patient and knowledgeable, sharing bits of history I had never known, despite my frequent visits there. It was really great to see my friend’s level of interest and excitement.  A great distraction from routine and daily problems.

I urge anyone interested to visit their website:  or give them a call to find out about volunteer opportunities. It is a relatively small commitment which has significant positive impact on a fellow human being in need.